Tag propagation

Tag propagation is disabled by default in Atlan. When tagging an asset, you can enable tag propagation to child, downstream, and linked assets.

To downstream assets

Downstream assets are derived through the data transformations of an asset.

Atlan can propagate tags through lineage. For example:

  • You tag a column as PII.
  • That column has downstream columns (in lineage).
  • Atlan will tag those downstream columns as PII, too, if propagation is enabled.

This is particularly useful when you want to tag data for protection reasons. When combined with purposes, Atlan will protect all downstream copies of the data automatically.

To child assets

Child assets are linked to parent assets through a parent-child hierarchical relationship.

Atlan can propagate tags from parent to child assets. For example:

  • You tag a database table as Marketing Analysis.
  • Atlan will tag all the columns in that table as Marketing Analysis, too, if propagation is enabled.
  • You can also configure the propagation of your tags:
    • Hierarchy & lineage allows tag propagation to child and downstream assets.
    • Hierarchy only (no lineage) allows tag propagation to child assets only.
    • No propagation disables any tag propagation.

This is particularly useful when you want to tag data for a business domain or project use. Atlan will include all assets under the level you tag in that business domain or project.

To linked assets

Atlan can propagate tags to all linked assets for terms. For example:

  • You tag a glossary term as Public.
  • Atlan will tag all the linked assets for that term as Public, too, if propagation is enabled.
  • You can also configure the propagation of your tags:
    • Hierarchy & lineage allows tag propagation to child and downstream assets.
    • Hierarchy only (no lineage) allows tag propagation to child assets only.
    • No propagation disables any tag propagation.

This is particularly useful when you want to tag data en masse for use across all teams. If propagation is enabled, Atlan will include all linked assets for the tagged term.

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