What does Atlan crawl from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB?

Once you have crawled Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB assets:

  • Accounts — you can use the following filters:
    • Account Type — filter accounts by account type
    • Subscription ID — filter accounts by subscription ID
    • Account Resource Group — filter accounts by resource group
  • CollectionsType filter, filtering options include Time Series, Capped, and Clustered collection types

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Atlan currently does not support lineage for Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB assets.


Atlan maps accounts from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB to its Account asset type.

vCore-based deployment

Source property Atlan property
name name
type cosmosMongoDBAccountType
dynamically generated cosmosMongoDBDatabaseCount

RU-based deployment

Source property Atlan property
name name
createdAt sourceCreatedAt
instanceId cosmosMongoDBAccountInstanceId
dynamically generated cosmosMongoDBDatabaseCount
type cosmosMongoDBAccountType
subscription cosmosMongoDBAccountSubscriptionId
resource group cosmosMongoDBAccountResourceGroup
document endpoint cosmosMongoDBAccountDocumentEndpoint
mongo endpoint cosmosMongoDBAccountMongoEndpoint
publicNetworkAccess cosmosMongoDBAccountPublicNetworkAccess
enableAutomaticFailover cosmosMongoDBAccountEnableAutomaticFailover
enableMultipleWriteLocations cosmosMongoDBAccountEnableMultipleWriteLocations
enablePartitionKeyMonitor cosmosMongoDBAccountEnablePartitionKeyMonitor
isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled cosmosMongoDBAccountIsVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled
locations cosmosMongoDBAccountLocations
readLocations cosmosMongoDBAccountReadLocations
writeLocations cosmosMongoDBAccountWriteLocations
defaultConsistencyLevel cosmosMongoDBAccountConsistencyPolicy


Atlan maps databases from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB to its Database asset type.

Source property Atlan property
TABLE_COUNT mongoDBDatabaseCollectionCount


Atlan maps collections from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB to its Collection asset type.

Source property Atlan property
TABLE_CAT databaseName
COLUMN_COUNT columnCount
collStats.storageSize sizeBytes
collStats.count rowCount
type mongoDBCollectionSubtype
schema mongoDBCollectionSchemaDefinition
collStats.capped mongoDBCollectionIsCapped
collStats.maxSize mongoDBCollectionMaxSize
collStats.max mongoDBCollectionMaximumDocumentCount
options.timeseries.timeField mongoDBCollectionTimeField
options.timeseries.granularity mongoDBCollectionTimeGranularity
options.expireAfterSeconds mongoDBCollectionExpireAfterSeconds
collStats.numOrphanDocs mongoDBCollectionNumOrphanDocs
collStats.nindexes mongoDBCollectionNumIndexes
collStats.totalIndexSize mongoDBCollectionTotalIndexSize
collStats.avgObjSize mongoDBCollectionAverageObjectSize


To extract columns from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB collections, Atlan analyzes document schemas, which must be enabled and configured to crawl columns.

Atlan consolidates multiple document schemas into a unified view, capturing all possible fields with their nesting levels and data types. The system then performs a depth-first traversal, converting each unique field path into column entries while tracking parent-child relationships and hierarchy through qualified names. The total column count is calculated by summing up all unique paths, including nested structures, with arrays processed to identify additional column patterns.

Atlan maps the following metadata from Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB to its Column asset type.

  • Atlan supports nested columns up to level 35 for parent columns.
  • Column-level lineage is currently not supported.
  • Tag propagation is supported from:
    • collections to columns
    • parent to nested columns
Atlan property Where in Atlan
name asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
order asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
dataType asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
rawdataTypeDefinition(raw schema of nested columns in a given parent column) asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
path(complete hierarchy from parent column to child column) asset preview and profile, overview sidebar

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