How to configure custom cron schedules?

You can use cron expressions to create custom cron schedules for your workflows in Atlan. A cron expression helps you specify the date and time for when a scheduled task must be executed.

Cron expressions consist of five date and time fields separated by white space — there should not be any white spaces within a field value.

Cron expressions in Atlan include the following five fields and corresponding values:

Field name Allowed values Allowed special characters
Minutes 0-59 , - * /
Hours 0-23 , - * /
Day of the month 1-31 , - * /
Month 0-12 , - * /
Day of the week 0-7 , - * /
  • , — comma specifies a list of values
  • - — dash specifies a range of values
  • * — asterisk specifies all possible values for a field
  • / — slash is used to skip a given number of values

Examples of cron expressions and their respective meanings:

  • 0 0 1 * * — Run at midnight on day 1 of every month
  • 0 0 * * * — Run once a day at midnight
  • 0 */3 * * * — Run at minute 0 past every 3rd hour or run every 3 hours
  • 0 0 1,15 * * — Run at midnight on day 1 and 15 of every month
  • 30 14 * * 1,3 — Run at 14:30 on Monday and Wednesday
  • 0 6,18 * * * — Run at minute 0 past hours 6 and 18 or run at 6 a.m. and then 6 p.m.
  • 0 0 1 3,6,9,12 * — Run at midnight on day 1 of March, June, September, and December

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