What does Atlan crawl from Sigma?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Sigma.

🚨 Careful! Currently, Atlan only represents the assets marked with πŸ”€ in lineage.

For your Sigma workbooks, Atlan also provides asset previews to help with quick discovery and give you the context you need.

Workbooks πŸ”€

Atlan maps workbooks from Sigma to its SigmaWorkbook asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
url sourceURL overview sidebar

Pages πŸ”€

Atlan maps pages from Sigma to its SigmaPage asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
title name asset profile and overview sidebar

Data elements πŸ”€

Atlan maps table, pivot table, and visualization elements from Sigma to its SigmaDataElement asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
displayName name asset profile and overview sidebar
type type overview sidebar

Data element fields πŸ”€

Atlan maps table, pivot table, and visualization element fields from Sigma to its SigmaDataElementField asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
displayName name asset profile and overview sidebar
hidden isHidden API only
formula formula API only


Atlan maps datasets from Sigma to its SigmaDataset asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
url sourceURL overview sidebar

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