Can we replace or rename existing assets?

The expected behavior will vary based on the supported connector and asset type. If the asset name is reflected in the qualifiedName of the asset and you rename the asset, Atlan will create a net-new asset. This is because the qualifiedName determines asset uniqueness in Atlan.

Consider the following examples:

  • The name of a Snowflake table is part of its qualifiedName. Any changes to the table name in Snowflake will result in a new qualifiedName, and thus the creation of a new asset in Atlan.
  • Conversely, the qualifiedName of Microsoft Power BI reports are based on the UUIDs of the assets in Microsoft Power BI — no names are embedded. In this case, renaming a Microsoft Power BI report does not change its UUID in Microsoft Power BI. This means that the qualifiedName of that report in Atlan will remain unchanged. Atlan will simply update the existing asset. However, this may not be the case where a Microsoft Power BI table is concerned, as the table name is included in the qualifiedName of the asset.

If your use case is to enable quick discovery in Atlan, consider adding a business-friendly alias to the asset.

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