Preflight checks for Snowflake

Before running the Snowflake crawler, you can run preflight checks to perform the necessary technical validations. The following preflight checks will be completed:

Database and schema check

Information schema

Check successful

Check failed for $missingObjectName

Account usage

Check successful

Check failed for $missingObjectName

Warehouse access

Check successful

Operation cannot be performed / User is not authorized to perform this action / Cannot be resumed because resource monitor has exceeded its quota


💪 Did you know? Once you have crawled assets from Snowflake, you can mine query history.

Query history view

Check successful

Cannot access query history table. Please run the command in your Snowflake instance: GRANT IMPORTED PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE snowflake TO ROLE atlan_user_role;

Access history view

Check successful

Check failed. Something went wrong with your request.

Sessions view

Check successful

Check failed. Something went wrong with your request.


Check successful if the bucket, region, and prefix combination is valid and the S3 credential passed is accessible.

Check failed with error code <AWS error code> - <AWS SDK ERR message>

For example: Miner S3 credentials: failed with error code: NoSuchBucket

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