How to create data domains

πŸ€“ Who can do this? Before you can create a data domain, you will need your Atlan admin to enable the products module in your Atlan workspace. Once enabled, first review the order of operations. You will need to be a domain owner or domain admin in Atlan or have access through domain policies to create and manage data domains.

Data domains provide a logical way of grouping data products within a specific domain or business entity β€” for example, functions like finance and sales, business units for different products and services, regions of operation, and more. Most importantly, data domains help in fostering collaboration and promote shared ownership and domain-level governance in your organization.

Data domains in Atlan take true meaning from:

  • Key stakeholders of a specific domain and their roles
  • Data products within that specific domain

Create a data domain

To create a data domain:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. On the Products page, click Get started.
  3. For Overview, enter the basic details for your domain:
    1. (Optional) For Cover, click the Change button to select an image from the gallery or upload an image of your own. Click Reposition to drag and reposition the cover image and then click Save position to save your preferences.
    2. (Optional) For Theme, choose from the available color options to add a theme to your domain.
    3. For Name, enter a meaningful name for your data domain β€” for example, Customer Service. The character limit for a domain name is 80 characters.
    4. (Optional) Click the domain icon to change the icon for your domain.
    5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description for your domain.
    6. For Owners, assign additional users or groups as domain owner.
  4. In the top right of the screen, click the Create button to complete setup.

Congrats on creating your data domain in Atlan! πŸŽ‰

(Optional) Create a data subdomain

🚨 Careful! You will first need to create a data domain before you can add a data subdomain to it.

Data subdomains help you logically segment your data domains according to business needs.

To create a data subdomain:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. To select a domain or subdomain, you can either:
    • From the navigation menu on the Products homepage, use the search bar or select the relevant domain or subdomain.
    • From the top right of Discover domains, select your data domain of interest. If you cannot find your data domain, click the View all button to view more domains.
  3. In the upper right of your data domain page, click the + Add button and then click New sub-domain to add a data subdomain.
  4. For Overview, enter the basic details for your subdomain:
    1. (Optional) For Cover, click the Change button to select an image from the gallery or upload an image of your own. Click Reposition to drag and reposition the cover image and then click Save position to save your preferences.
    2. (Optional) For Theme, choose from the available color options to add a theme to your subdomain.
    3. For Name, enter a meaningful name for your subdomain β€” for example, Social Media. The character limit for a subdomain name is 80 characters.
    4. (Optional) Click the domain icon to change the icon for your subdomain.
    5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description for your subdomain.
    6. For Owners, assign additional users or groups as subdomain owner.
  5. In the top right of the screen, click the Create button to complete setup.

Congrats on creating your data subdomain in Atlan! πŸŽ‰

Your data producers can now add data products to your data domain.

Update a data domain

The domain profile includes essential details about the data domain. You can also curate what your domain users will be able to view.

To update a data domain:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. To select a domain or subdomain, you can either:
    • From the navigation menu on the Products homepage, use the search bar or select the relevant domain or subdomain.
    • From the top right of Discover domains, select your data domain of interest. If you cannot find your data domain, click the View all button to view more domains.
  3. On your data domain page, the Overview tab displays important details about the domain. (Optional) From the top right, click the + Add button and then:
  4. Under Summary, view a total count of data products in your domain and domain description:
  5. Under Readme, click + Add to add a README to your data domain or use Atlan AI for documentation.
  6. Β From the top right of the data domain profile:
    • Click the user avatars to view a list of recently visited users, total views on your domain, total number of unique visitors, and total views by user.
      • Use the days filter to filter domain views and user activity in the last 7, 30, and 90 days.
      • This feature is turned on by default β€” admins can turn off user activity.
    • Click the star button to star your domain and bookmark it for easy access.
    • Click the Slack or Teams icon to post on a Slack or Microsoft Teams channel.
    • Click the 3-dot icon to add an announcement or a resource to your domain.
  7. Switch to the Products tab to view data products within your domain.
  8. Switch to the Statistics tab to monitor domain usage.
  9. Switch to the Lineage tab to view business lineage for your domain.

Move a subdomain or product

You can move subdomains and products within and across domains to better organize your business entity. Move data products to a different subdomain or domain, or create subdomains within the same domain or across your domains in Atlan.

You will need the following permissions:

  • Moving a subdomain or product from one domain to another β€” Update Domains permission on both the source and target domains.
  • Moving a subdomain or product within the same domain β€” Update Domains permission on the domain you want to reorganize.

To move an existing subdomain or product:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. In the left menu of the Products page, you can either:
    • Drag and drop a subdomain or product into the relevant domain within the same or a different parent domain. In the popup, click Move to confirm the changes.
    • To the right of the subdomain or product name, click the three dots icon and then click Move to. In the Move to dialog, select a relevant parent domain within the same or a different domain and then click Move to confirm the changes.

Convert a subdomain to a domain

You can convert subdomains into parent domains. For example, as your organization grows, some small teams may evolve into major departments. In that case, you may want your subdomains in Atlan to better reflect your organizational architecture and convert them to domains.

You will need the Update Domains permission on the subdomain and parent domain of the subdomain you want to convert.


To convert a subdomain into a domain:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. In the left menu of the Products page, to the right of the subdomain you want to convert, click the three dots icon and then click Convert to domain.
  3. In the Convert to domain dialog, click Convert to domain to confirm your changes.

Archive a data domain

You can archive your data domains and subdomains when they are no longer in use. Note that Atlan does not allow archiving a domain that contains any active subdomains or products. Ensure that your domain content is inactive before you proceed.

To archive a data domain:

  1. From the left menu of any screen in Atlan, click Products.
  2. To select a domain or subdomain to archive, you can either:
    • From the navigation menu on the Products homepage, use the search bar or select the relevant domain or subdomain.
    • From the top right of Discover domains, select your data domain of interest. If you cannot find your data domain, click the View all button to view more domains.
  3. From the top right of the domain or subdomain profile, click the 3-dot icon and then click Archive.
  4. From the Archive domain? dialog, click Archive to archive your data domain.
πŸ’ͺ Did you know? To programmatically create, update, and manage data domains using API, refer to our developer documentation.

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