What does Atlan crawl from Hive?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Hive.


Atlan always creates a Database asset called Hive to maintain the three-level hierarchy.


Atlan maps schemas from Hive to its Schema asset type.

Source property Atlan property
COMMENT description


Atlan maps tables from Hive to its Table asset type.

Source property Atlan property
tableName name
COMMENT description
column_count columnCount
numRows rowCount
totalSize sizeBytes
numPartitions isPartitioned
numPartitions partitionCount
location externalLocation
inputFormat externalLocationFormat


Atlan maps views from Hive to its View asset type.

Source property Atlan property
tableName name
COMMENT description
column_count columnCount
viewExpandedText definition

Materialized views

Atlan maps materialized views in Hive to its Materialised View asset type.

Source property Atlan property
tableName name
COMMENT description
column_count columnCount
viewExpandedText definition
staleSinceDate materializationTime
numRows rowCount
totalSize sizeBytes


Atlan maps columns from Hive to its Column asset type.

Source property Atlan property
DATA_TYPE dataType
COMMENT description
Detailed Table Information order
Constraints (Primary Key) isPrimary
Constraints (Foreign Key) isForeign

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