Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Hive.
Atlan always creates a Database
asset called Hive
to maintain the three-level hierarchy.
Atlan maps schemas from Hive to its Schema
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
COMMENT | description |
Atlan maps tables from Hive to its Table
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
tableName | name |
COMMENT | description |
column_count | columnCount |
numRows | rowCount |
totalSize | sizeBytes |
numPartitions | isPartitioned |
numPartitions | partitionCount |
location | externalLocation |
inputFormat | externalLocationFormat |
Atlan maps views from Hive to its View
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
tableName | name |
COMMENT | description |
column_count | columnCount |
viewExpandedText | definition |
Materialized views
Atlan maps materialized views in Hive to its Materialised View
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
tableName | name |
COMMENT | description |
column_count | columnCount |
viewExpandedText | definition |
staleSinceDate | materializationTime |
numRows | rowCount |
totalSize | sizeBytes |
Atlan maps columns from Hive to its Column
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
COL_NAME | name |
DATA_TYPE | dataType |
COMMENT | description |
Detailed Table Information | order |
Constraints (Primary Key) | isPrimary |
Constraints (Foreign Key) | isForeign |