What does Atlan crawl from Mode?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Mode.


Atlan maps workspaces from Mode to its ModeWorkspace asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
id modeId
token modeToken
username modeWorkspaceUsername
space_count modeCollectionCount
_links.web.href sourceURL
created_at sourceCreatedAt


Atlan maps collections from Mode to its ModeCollection asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
description description
id modeId
token modeToken
space_type modeCollectionType
state modeCollectionState
_links.creator sourceCreatedBy
_links.web sourceURL
extras.workspace.name modeWorkspaceName
Array of reports modeReports


Atlan maps reports from Mode to its ModeReport asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
description description
id modeId
token modeToken
created_at sourceCreatedAt
updated_at sourceUpdatedAt
_links.creator sourceCreatedBy
_links.web sourceURL
space_token modeCollectionToken
account_username modeWorkspaceUsername
published_at modeReportPublishedAt
query_count modeQueryCount
chart_count modeChartCount
query_preview modeQueryPreview
public modeIsPublic
shared modeIsShared
view_count popularityScore
Array of collections modeCollections


Atlan maps queries from Mode to its ModeQuery asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
id modeId
token modeToken
created_at sourceCreatedAt
updated_at sourceUpdatedAt
_links.creator.href sourceCreatedBy
raw_query modeRawQuery
explorations_count modeExplorationCount
report_imports_count modeReportImportCount
data_source_id modeDatasourceId
datasource.name or extras.datasource.name modeDatasourceName
extras.report.name modeReportName


Atlan maps charts from Mode to its ModeChart asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
description description
token modeToken
view_vegas.chartType modeChartType
created_at sourceCreatedAt
updated_at sourceUpdatedAt
_links.creator.href sourceCreatedBy
_links.report_viz_web.href sourceURL
extras.query.name modeQueryName

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