What does Atlan crawl from MongoDB?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from MongoDB. Atlan currently does not support lineage for MongoDB assets.

Once you have crawled MongoDB, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filter is currently supported for MongoDB collections:

  • Collection type filter — filtering options include Time Series, Capped, and Clustered collection types


Atlan maps databases from MongoDB to its Database asset type.

Source property Atlan property
TABLE_COUNT mongoDBDatabaseCollectionCount


Atlan maps collections from MongoDB to its Collection asset type.

Source property Atlan property
TABLE_CAT databaseName
COLUMN_COUNT columnCount
collStats.storageSize sizeBytes
collStats.count rowCount
type mongoDBCollectionSubtype
schema mongoDBCollectionSchemaDefinition
collStats.capped mongoDBCollectionIsCapped
collStats.maxSize mongoDBCollectionMaxSize
collStats.max mongoDBCollectionMaximumDocumentCount
options.timeseries.timeField mongoDBCollectionTimeField
options.timeseries.granularity mongoDBCollectionTimeGranularity
options.expireAfterSeconds mongoDBCollectionExpireAfterSeconds
collStats.numOrphanDocs mongoDBCollectionNumOrphanDocs
collStats.nindexes mongoDBCollectionNumIndexes
collStats.totalIndexSize mongoDBCollectionTotalIndexSize
collStats.avgObjSize mongoDBCollectionAverageObjectSize

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