How to set up Matillion

πŸ€“ Who can do this? You will probably need your Matillion Server Admin to complete these steps β€” you may not have access yourself.

Atlan supports the basic authentication method for fetching metadata from Matillion. This method uses a username and password to fetch metadata.

Create user in Matillion

πŸ’ͺ Did you know? Atlan does not make any API requests or queries that will update the objects in your Matillion instance.

To create a new user for crawling Matillion:

  1. Log in to your Matillion instance.
  2. From the top header of your Matillion instance, click Admin, and then from the dropdown, click User Configuration.
  3. On the User Configuration page, click the + button to add a new user.
  4. In the Add user dialog, enter the following details:
    1. For Username, enter a username for the new user.
    2. For Password and Repeat Password, enter a password for the new user and confirm it in the next step.
    3. For Role, click API to allow the new user to use the Matillion APIs.
    4. For Permission Groups, click Reader to allow the new user permission to only view the project and almost all parts of the instance including API profiles, credentials, OAuths, jobs, and variables β€” without edit access.
    5. Click OK to add the new user.
  5. On the User Configuration page, click Apply changes to confirm new user creation.

Set permissions

To set permissions for the new user in Matillion:

  1. Log in to your Matillion instance.
  2. From the top header of your Matillion instance, click Admin, and then from the dropdown, click Manage Permissions.
  3. In the Permissions dialog, for the Reader group, click the pencil icon to grant permissions for the group.
  4. In the group-specific Permissions - Reader dialog, for User Permissions, under State, click the dropdown and then click Granted. Read permission is now available to members of the group at the project level and will override a Forbidden Expected State.
  5. Click OK to confirm your selections.

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