Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Teradata.
Atlan maps schemas from Teradata to its Schema
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
dbc.databases.DatabaseName | name |
TABLE_COUNT | tableCount |
VIEW_COUNT | viewsCount |
dbc.databases.CreatorName | sourceCreatedBy |
dbc.databases.CreateTimeStamp | sourceCreatedAt |
dbc.databases.LastAlterName | sourceUpdatedBy |
dbc.databases.LastAlterTimeStamp | sourceUpdatedAt |
dbc.databases.CommentString | description |
Atlan maps tables from Teradata to its Table
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
dbc.Tables.TableName | name |
dbc.TablesV.CommentString | description |
COLUMN_COUNT | columnCount |
ROW_COUNT | rowCount |
CurrentPerm | sizeBytes |
dbc.TablesV.CreatorName | sourceCreatedBy |
dbc.TablesV.CreateTimeStamp | sourceCreatedAt |
dbc.TablesV.LastAlterName | sourceUpdatedBy |
dbc.TablesV.LastAlterTimeStamp | sourceUpdatedAt |
dbc.Tables.DataBaseName | schema name |
Atlan maps views from Teradata to its View
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
dbc.Tables.TableName | name |
dbc.TablesV.CommentString | description |
COLUMN_COUNT | columnCount |
ROW_COUNT | rowCount |
CurrentPerm | sizeBytes |
dbc.TablesV.CreatorName | sourceCreatedBy |
dbc.TablesV.CreateTimeStamp | sourceCreatedAt |
dbc.TablesV.LastAlterName | sourceUpdatedBy |
dbc.TablesV.LastAlterTimeStamp | sourceUpdatedAt |
dbc.Tables.DataBaseName | schema name |
Atlan maps columns from Teradata to its Column
asset type.
Source property | Atlan property |
dbc.ColumnsV.ColumnName | name |
REMARKS | description |
dbc.ColumnsV.ColumnType | dataType |
dbc.ColumnsV.Nullable | isNullable |
dbc.IndicesV.TableName | isPrimary |
dbc.IndicesV.ChildDB | isForeign |
dbc.IndicesV.DecimalTotalDigits | precision |
dbc.IndicesV.DecimalFractionalDigits | numericScale |
dbc.ColumnsV.DataBaseName | schema name |