How to set up Teradata

πŸ€“ Who can do this? You will probably need your Teradata administrator to run these commands β€” you may not have access yourself.

Atlan supports the basic authentication method for fetching metadata from Teradata. This method uses a username and password to fetch metadata.

To create a username and password for basic authentication for Teradata, run the following commands:

Create role in Teradata

Create a role in Teradata using the following commands:

CREATE role atlan_user_role

Create user in Teradata

Create a new user for integrating with Atlan using the following commands:

CREATE USER atlan_user FROM [database] AS PASSWORD = [password] PERM = 20000000;

Grant access to the role or directly to the user with the following commands:

GRANT SELECT ON dbc.databases TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON dbc.tables TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON dbc.TablesV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON DBC.TableStatsV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON dbc.columns TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON dbc.TableTextV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON dbc.TableSizeV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON DBC.ColumnsV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON DBC.IndicesV TO atlan_user_role;
GRANT SELECT ON DBC.All_RI_ChildrenV TO atlan_user_role;

Grant additional permissions to mine query history with the following commands:

GRANT SELECT ON dbc.dbqlogtbl TO atlan_user_role;

Grant role to user

To grant the atlan_user_role to the new user:

GRANT atlan_user_role TO atlan_user;

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