What does Atlan crawl from Redash?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Redash.

Once you've crawled Redash, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for these assets:

🚨 Careful! Currently, Atlan only represents the assets marked with πŸ”€ in lineage.

Queries πŸ”€

Atlan maps queries from Redash to its RedashQuery asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
created_at sourceCreatedAt
updated_at sourceUpdatedAt
query query

Dashboards πŸ”€

Atlan maps dashboards from Redash to its RedashDashboard asset type.

Source property Atlan property
widgets widget_count

Visualizations πŸ”€

Atlan maps visualization elements from Redash to its RedashVisualization asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
type type

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