What does Atlan crawl from Monte Carlo?

πŸ§ͺ Preview feature! Support for automated monitors is only available to select users for a limited period of time. The purpose of this private preview is to allow participating users to experiment with the feature and provide valuable feedback. If you'd like to participate in the private preview, reach out to your customer success manager for more information.

Atlan supports both automated and custom monitors as native assets for search and discovery. Atlan also supports crawling incidents for all types of monitors.

Once you've crawled Monte Carlo, you can use connector-specific filtersΒ to search for your Monte Carlo assets as well as assets from other supported sources to which Monte Carlo monitors have been applied β€” for example, Snowflake tables.

The following filters are currently supported for Monte Carlo assets:

  • Monitor type β€” filter monitors by type of monitor
  • Monitor status β€” filter monitors by monitor status
  • Incident count β€” filter monitors by the total count of incidents
  • Last synced in Atlan β€” filter monitors by timestamp for last updated in Atlan

The following Monte Carlo filters are currently available for supported SQL assets:

  • Monitor status β€” filter SQL assets associated with any monitors by monitor status
  • Monitor type β€” filter SQL assets associated with any monitors by type of monitor
  • Alert priority β€” filter SQL assets by priority level of alerts, ranging from 1 to 4
  • Alert type β€” filter SQL assets by specific types of alerts
  • Incident severity β€” filter SQL assets by severity level of incidents, ranging from 1 to 4
  • Alert subtype β€” filter SQL assets by alert subtypes
  • Alert status β€” filter SQL assets by specific alert statuses
  • Alert owner β€” filter SQL assets by alert owners
  • Last synced in Atlan β€” filter SQL assets by timestamp for when any associated monitors and incidents were updated in Atlan

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Monte Carlo.


Atlan maps automated and custom monitors from Monte Carlo to its MCMonitor asset type.

Source property Atlan property
name name
Audience mcLabels
uuid mcMonitorId
monitorStatus mcMonitorStatus
monitorType mcMonitorType
warehouseName mcMonitorWarehouse
scheduleType mcMonitorScheduleType
namespace mcMonitorNamespace
ruleType mcMonitorRuleType
ruleSql mcMonitorRuleCustomSql
scheduleConfig mcMonitorRuleScheduleConfig
ruleComparisons mcMonitorRuleComparisons
monitorUrl sourceUrl
breachRate mcMonitorBreachRate
scheduleConfig mcMonitorRuleScheduleConfigHumanized
alertCondition mcMonitorAlertCondition
priority mcMonitorPriority
isOotbMonitor mcMonitorIsOotb

Alerts and incidents

Atlan maps alerts and incidents from Monte Carlo to its MCIncident asset type.

Alerts inherit priority levels from custom monitors. If an alert is confirmed as an issue or requires resolution, Monte Carlo enables you to mark it as an incident and apply a severity level. Atlan will display the status of your assets at source. Refer to Monte Carlo documentation to learn more.

Source property Atlan property
name name
tableLinked mcAssetReferences
uuid mcIncidentId
incidentType mcIncidentType
incidentSubTypes mcIncidentSubTypes
severity mcIncidentSeverity
feedback mcIncidentState
warehouse.name mcIncidentWarehouse
incidentOwner sourceOwners
incidentUrl sourceUrl
priority mcIncidentPriority

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