What does Atlan crawl from Apache Kafka?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Apache Kafka.

Once you've crawled Apache Kafka, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for these assets:

  • Topics — Message count, size (MB), partition count, and cleanup policy filters
  • Consumer groups — Member count and topic name filters


Atlan maps topics from Apache Kafka to its KafkaTopic asset type.

Source property Atlan property
Topic name
PartitionCount kafkaTopicPartitionsCount
ReplicationFactor kafkaTopicReplicationFactor
segment.byte kafkaTopicSegmentBytes
compression.type kafkaTopicCompressionType
cleanup.policy kafkaLogTopicCleanupPolicy
isInternal kafkaTopicIsInternal
sizeInBytes kafkaTopicSizeInBytes
recordCount kafkaTopicRecordCount
retention.ms kafkaTopicRetentionTimeInMs

Consumer groups

Atlan maps consumer groups from Apache Kafka to its KafkaConsumerGroup asset type.

💪 Did you know? Consumer groups are most likely to show up only in streaming scenarios. This is because if a topic is not being consumed actively, Apache Kafka will purge the consumer group. So, if a consumer group is inactive while the workflow runs in Atlan, it will not be cataloged as an asset.
Source property Atlan property
GROUP name
memberCount kafkaConsumerGroupMemberCount
ReplicationFactor kafkaTopicReplicationFactor
topic_names kafkaTopicNames
TOPIC kafkaConsumerGroupTopicConsumptionProperties.topicName
PARTITION kafkaConsumerGroupTopicConsumptionProperties.topicPartition
LAG kafkaConsumerGroupTopicConsumptionProperties.topicLag
CURRENT-OFFSET kafkaConsumerGroupTopicConsumptionProperties.topicCurrentOffset

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