How to set up PrestoSQL

🚨 Careful! For Starburst Presto, we recommend using the Trino connector because the official Starburst documentation recommends using the Trino JDBC driver.
πŸ€“ Who can do this? You will probably need your Presto administrator to run these commands β€” you may not have access yourself.

Atlan only supports PrestoSQL until version 349 β€” PrestoDB is not supported at present.

Currently, we only support basic (username and password) authentication for PrestoSQL. We recommend creating a separate user for Atlan with read-only access. Please ensure you are using frontend password authentication over HTTPS for clients.

Create user in PrestoSQL

To create a new user with password file authentication follow the steps in the official Presto documentation.

Grant read-only access

To grant read-only access to the user created above follow the steps in the official Presto documentation. This includes adding a list of catalogs you wish to crawl to your rules.json file, for example:

  "catalogs": [
      "user": "atlan",
      "catalog": "postgresql",
      "allow": "read-only"
      "user": "atlan",
      "catalog": "mysql",
      "allow": "read-only"

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