What does Atlan crawl from Tableau?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Tableau.

Once you've crawled Tableau, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for these assets:

  • Projects β€” filter Tableau assets by projects, including nested projects
  • Data sources β€” Is published filter


For your Tableau worksheets and dashboards, Atlan also provides asset previews to help with quick discovery and give you the context you need.

🚨 Careful! You may need to disable clickjack protection for Tableau asset previews to load.


Atlan maps sites from Tableau to its TableauSite asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar


Atlan maps projects from Tableau to its TableauProject asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
owner sourceOwner asset profile and overview sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
hierarchy projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
topLevelProject isTopLevelProject API only


🚨 Careful! Due to limitations at source, Atlan will not be able to crawl Tableau flows if you use the JWT bearer authentication method.

Atlan maps flows from Tableau to its TableauFlow asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
owner sourceOwner asset profile and overview sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar


🚨 Careful! Tableau has retired metrics methods in API 3.22 for Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server version 2024.2. If you're using Tableau API version 3.22 or higher, metadata for metrics will be unavailable in Atlan.

Atlan maps metrics from Tableau to its TableauMetric asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar


Atlan maps workbooks from Tableau to its TableauWorkbook asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
webpageUrl sourceURL overview sidebar
owner sourceOwner asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar


Atlan maps worksheets from Tableau to its TableauWorksheet asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
source_url sourceURL overview sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar


Atlan maps dashboards from Tableau to its TableauDashboard asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
createdAt sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
updatedAt sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
source_url sourceURL overview sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar

Data sources

Atlan maps data sources (embedded and published) from Tableau to its TableauDatasource asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
owner sourceOwner (for published data sources only) asset profile and overview sidebar
isPublished isPublished asset preview and overview sidebar
hasExtracts hasExtracts API only
upstreamTables upstreamTables API only
upstreamDatabases upstreamDatabases API only
isCertified certificateStatus (VERIFIED) asset preview and filter, overview sidebar
certifier certifier API only
certificationNote certificationStatusMessage API only
certifierDisplayName certificateUpdatedBy asset preview and overview sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar

Data source fields

Atlan maps data source fields and column fields from Tableau to its TableauDatasourceField asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
upstreamTables upstreamTables API only
upstreamColumns upstreamColumns API only
dataCategory tableauDatasourceFieldDataCategory API only
role tableauDatasourceFieldRole API only
dataType tableauDatasourceFieldDataType API only
formula tableauDatasourceFieldFormula API only
binSize tableauDatasourceFieldBinSize API only
__typename datasourceFieldType API only
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar

Calculated fields

Atlan maps calculated fields from Tableau to its TableauCalculatedField asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
dataCategory dataCategory API only
role role API only
dataType tableauDataType asset preview, filter, and profile, overview sidebar
formula formula overview sidebar
project_extra (hierarchy) projectHierarchy asset preview and profile, overview sidebar


Atlan calculates lineage for Tableau as follows:

Source object Tableau object Tableau object (downstream)
Table Published data source Published data source
Table Published data source Embedded data source
Table Embedded data source Β 
Column Data source field Calculated field
Column Data source field Data source field
🚨 Careful! Lineage is currently not supported for Tableau flows and metrics.

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