What does Atlan crawl from Microsoft Power BI?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Microsoft Power BI.

Once you've crawled Microsoft Power BI, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for these assets:

  • Measures β€” External measure filter
🚨 Careful! Currently Atlan only represents the assets marked with πŸ”€ in lineage.

For your Microsoft Power BI reports, Atlan also provides asset previews to help with quick discovery and give you the context you need.


Atlan maps workspaces from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIWorkspace asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
reportCount reportCount asset preview and profile
dashboardCount dashboardCount asset profile
datasetCount datasetCount asset profile
dataflowCount dataflowCount asset profile
webUrl sourceURL overview sidebar

Dashboards πŸ”€

Atlan maps dashboards from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIDashboard asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
displayName name asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
tileCount tileCount asset profile
webUrl sourceURL overview sidebar

Data sources

Atlan maps data sources from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIDatasource asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
connectionDetails connectionDetails overview sidebar

Datasets πŸ”€

Atlan maps datasets from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIDataset asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
webUrl sourceURL overview sidebar
configuredBy sourceOwners asset profile and properties sidebar
createdDate sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
endorsementDetails certificateStatus (VERIFIED) asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (endorsement) certificateStatusMessage, powerBIEndorsement asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (certifiedBy) certificateUpdatedBy asset profile and overview sidebar


Atlan maps dataflows from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIDataflow asset type.

For any asset transformations powered through dataflows β€” for example, tables constructed through dataflow entities β€” Atlan will display linked dataflows for such processes in the process asset sidebar. Atlan currently only supports dataflow lineage for the following SQL sources β€” Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, SAP HANA, and Snowflake.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
webUrl sourceURL overview sidebar
configuredBy sourceOwners asset profile and properties sidebar
modifiedDateTime sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
endorsementDetails certificateStatus (VERIFIED) asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (endorsement) certificateStatusMessage, powerBIEndorsement asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (certifiedBy) certificateUpdatedBy asset profile and overview sidebar
modifiedBy sourceUpdatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
days powerBIDataflowRefreshScheduleFrequency properties sidebar
times powerBIDataflowRefreshScheduleTimes properties sidebar
localTimeZoneId powerBIDataflowRefreshScheduleTimeZone properties sidebar

Reports πŸ”€

Atlan maps reports from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIReport asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
pageCount pageCount asset profile
webUrl sourceURL overview sidebar
createdDateTime sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
modifiedDateTime sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
createdBy sourceCreatedBy, sourceOwners asset profile and properties sidebar
modifiedBy sourceUpdatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
endorsementDetails certificateStatus (VERIFIED) asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (endorsement) certificateStatusMessage, powerBIEndorsement asset profile and overview sidebar
endorsementDetails (certifiedBy) certificateUpdatedBy asset profile and overview sidebar

Pages πŸ”€

Atlan maps pages from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIPage asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
displayName name asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
report_name reportName API only

Tiles πŸ”€

Atlan maps tiles from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBITile asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
title name asset profile and overview sidebar
subTitle description asset profile and overview sidebar
workspace_name workspaceName API only
dashboard_name dashboardName API only

Tables πŸ”€

Atlan maps tables from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBITable asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
isHidden isHidden API only
sourceExpressions powerBITableSourceExpressions API only
columnCount powerBITableColumnCount asset profile and preview
measureCount powerBITableMeasureCount asset profile and preview

Columns πŸ”€

Atlan maps columns from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIColumn asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
isHidden powerBIIsHidden API only
dataCategory powerBIColumnDataCategory API only
dataType powerBIColumnDataType asset preview and overview sidebar
formatString powerBIFormatString API only
sortByColumn powerBISortByColumn API only
summarizeBy powerBIColumnSummarizeBy API only


Atlan maps measures from Microsoft Power BI to its PowerBIMeasure asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
name name asset profile and overview sidebar
description description asset profile and overview sidebar
isHidden powerBIIsHidden API only
expression powerBIMeasureExpression overview sidebar
isExternalMeasure powerBIIsExternalMeasure asset filter
formatString powerBIFormatString API only

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