What does Atlan crawl from Databricks?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Databricks.


Atlan maps databases from Databricks to its Database asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLE_CATALOG name asset profile and overview sidebar
SCHEMA_COUNT schemaCount API only


Atlan maps schemas from Databricks to its Schema asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLE_SCHEMA name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLE_COUNT tableCount asset preview and profile
VIEW_COUNT viewsCount asset preview and profile
TABLE_CATALOG databaseName asset preview and profile


Atlan maps tables from Databricks to its Table asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
REMARKS, DESCRIPTION description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMN_COUNT columnCount asset profile and overview sidebar
ROW_COUNT rowCount asset profile and overview sidebar
LOCATION externalLocation overview sidebar
FORMAT externalLocationFormat overview sidebar
CREATEDAT sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
LASTMODIFIED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
PARTITIONS isPartitioned, partitionCount, partitionList API only


Atlan maps views from Databricks to its View asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
REMARKS description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMN_COUNT columnCount asset profile and overview sidebar
CREATETAB_STMT definition asset profile and overview sidebar
CREATEDAT sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
LASTMODIFIED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar


Atlan maps columns from Databricks to its Column asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
COLUMN_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
REMARKS description asset profile and overview sidebar
ORDINAL_POSITION order asset profile
TYPE_NAME dataType asset profile and overview sidebar
PARTITION_INDEX isPartition asset preview and profile
NULLABLE isNullable API only
DECIMAL_DIGITS precision API only

Stored procedures

Atlan maps stored procedures from Databricks to its Procedure asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
PROCEDURE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
REMARKS description asset profile and overview sidebar
PROCEDURE_TYPE subType asset profile
ROUTINE_DEFINITION definition asset profile and overview sidebar

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