How to crawl Amazon Redshift

Once you have configured the Amazon Redshift access permissions, you can establish a connection between Atlan and Amazon Redshift.

To crawl metadata from Amazon Redshift, review the order of operations and then complete the following steps.

Select the source

To select Amazon Redshift as your source:

  1. In the top right corner of any screen, navigate to New and then click New Workflow.
  2. From the list of packages, select Redshift Assets, and click Setup Workflow.

Provide credentials

Choose your extraction method:

Direct extraction method

To enter your Amazon Redshift credentials:

  1. For Host Name, enter the host name of your Amazon Redshift instance. From your Redshift cluster you can find the host name in the Configuration section as a variable called Endpoint.
  2. For Port, enter the port number for your Amazon Redshift instance. You can find this next to the host name in the Configuration section of your Redshift cluster.
  3. For Deployment Type, click Provisioned if your Amazon Redshift instance is deployed on provisioned clusters or click Serverless if deployed on a serverless workgroup.
  4. For Authentication, choose the method you configured when setting up the Amazon Redshift access permissions:
    • For Basic authentication, enter the Username and Password you configured.
    • For IAM User authentication, enter the AWS Access KeyAWS Secret Key, and Username you configured for the database.
      • (Optional) This is only required if you are accessing a private cluster on provisioned deployment, using a Network Load Balancer (NLB), and connecting via IAM, for Cluster ID, enter the name of the Amazon Redshift cluster that you want to connect to.
      • (Optional) This is only required if you are accessing a private cluster on serverless deployment, for Workgroup, enter the name of your workgroup.
    • For IAM Role authentication, enter the Username you configured for the database only if your deployment type is Provisioned. For Serverless deployment type, you do not need to enter a username.
      • Set the AWS Role ARN to the ARN of the role you created in your AWS account.
      • (Optional) For Region, enter the AWS region of your Amazon Redshift instance.
      • (Optional) This is only required if you are accessing a private cluster on provisioned deployment, using a Network Load Balancer (NLB), and connecting via IAM, for Cluster ID, enter the name of the Amazon Redshift cluster that you want to connect to.
      • (Optional) This is only required if you are accessing a private cluster on serverless deployment, for Workgroup, enter the name of your workgroup.
      • (Optional) Enter the AWS External ID only if you have configured an external ID in the role definition.
  5. For Database, enter the name of the database to crawl. This database name is only used to authenticate the connection. You can configure the crawler to extract more than just the specified database.
  6. Click Test Authentication to confirm connectivity to Amazon Redshift.
  7. When successful, at the bottom of the screen click Next.

Offline extraction method

Atlan supports the offline extraction method for fetching metadata from Amazon Redshift. This method uses Atlan's metadata-extractor tool to fetch metadata. You will need to first extract the metadata yourself and then make it available in S3.

To enter your S3 details:

  1. For Bucket name, enter the name of your S3 bucket. If you are reusing Atlan's S3 bucket, you can leave this blank.
  2. For Bucket prefix, enter the S3 prefix under which all the metadata files exist. These include databases.json, columns-<database>.json, and so on.
  3. For Bucket region, enter the name of the S3 region.
  4. When complete, at the bottom of the screen, click Next.

Configure the connection

To complete the Amazon Redshift connection configuration:

  1. Provide a Connection Name that represents your source environment. For example, you might want to use values like production, development, gold, or analytics.
  2. (Optional) To change the users able to manage this connection, change the users or groups listed under Connection Admins.
    🚨 Careful! If you do not specify any user or group, nobody will be able to manage the connection — not even admins.
  3. (Optional) To prevent users from querying any Amazon Redshift data, change Allow SQL Query to No.
  4. (Optional) To prevent users from previewing any Amazon Redshift data, change Allow Data Preview to No.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, click the Next button to proceed.

Configure the crawler

Before running the Amazon Redshift crawler, you can further configure it.

You can override the defaults for any of these options:

  • To select the assets you want to include in crawling, click Include Metadata. (This will default to all assets, if none are specified.)
  • To select the assets you want to exclude from crawling, click Exclude Metadata. (This will default to no assets if none are specified.)
  • To have the crawler ignore tables and views based on a naming convention, specify a regular expression in the Exclude regex for tables & views field.
  • (Optional) For Advanced Config, keep Default for the default configuration or click Advanced to configure the crawler:
    • For Cross Connection, click Yes to extract lineage across all available Amazon Redshift connections or click No to limit lineage extraction to the current connection.
    • For Control Config, if Atlan support has provided you with a custom control configuration, select Custom and enter the configuration into the Custom Config box. You can also:
      • Enter {“ignore-all-case”: true} to enable crawling assets with case-sensitive identifiers.
    • For Use JDBC Internal Methods, click True to enable JDBC internal methods for data extraction or click False to disable it.
    • For Enable Source Level Filtering, click True to enable schema-level filtering at source or click False to disable it.
💪 Did you know? If an asset appears in both the include and exclude filters, the exclude filter takes precedence.

Run the crawler

To run the Amazon Redshift crawler, after completing the steps above:

  1. To check for any permissions or other configuration issues before running the crawler, click Preflight checks.
  2. You can either:
    • To run the crawler once immediately, at the bottom of the screen, click the Run button.
    • To schedule the crawler to run hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly, at the bottom of the screen, click the Schedule Run button.

Once the crawler has completed running, you will see the assets in Atlan's asset page! 🎉

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