What does Atlan crawl from Snowflake?

Atlan crawls and maps the following assets and properties from Snowflake.

Once you've crawled Snowflake, you can use connector-specific filters for quick asset discovery. The following filters are currently supported for Snowflake assets:


Atlan maps databases from Snowflake to its Database asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
DATABASES.DATABASE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
DATABASE.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
SCHEMATA (count) schemaCount asset preview and profile
DATABASES.DATABASE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
DATABASES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
DATABASES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar


Atlan maps schemas from Snowflake to its Schema asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
SCHEMATA.SCHEMA_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
SCHEMA.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES of type %TABLE% (count) tableCount asset preview and profile
TABLES of type %VIEW% (count) viewsCount asset preview and profile
SCHEMATA.CATALOG_NAME databaseName asset preview and profile
SCHEMATA.SCHEMA_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
SCHEMATA.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
SCHEMATA.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar


Atlan maps tables from Snowflake to its Table asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS (count) columnCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.ROW_COUNT rowCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.BYTES sizeBytes asset filter and overview sidebar
TABLES.TABLE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar

For Iceberg tables

In addition to the table metadata above, Atlan supports additional metadata for Iceberg tables crawled from Snowflake. Atlan currently supports fetching metadata for Iceberg tables only for the information schema extraction method.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.IS_ICEBERG tableType asset preview, profile, and filter, and overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.CATALOG_NAME icebergCatalogName overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.ICEBERG_TABLE_TYPE icebergTableType overview sidebar
CATALOG_INTEGRATION.CATALOG_SOURCE icebergCatalogSource overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.CATALOG_TABLE_NAME icebergCatalogTableName overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.CATALOG_NAMESPACE icebergCatalogTableNamespace overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.EXTERNAL_VOLUME_NAME tableExternalVolumeName overview sidebar
ICEBERG_TABLES.BASE_LOCATION icebergTableBaseLocation overview sidebar
TABLES.RETENTION_TIME tableRetentionTime overview sidebar


Atlan maps views from Snowflake to its View asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS (count) columnCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
VIEWS.VIEW_DEFINITION definition asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.TABLE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar

Materialized views

Atlan maps materialized views from Snowflake to its MaterialisedView asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS (count) columnCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.ROW_COUNT rowCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.BYTES sizeBytes asset filter and overview sidebar
VIEWS.VIEW_DEFINITION definition asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.TABLE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar

External tables

Atlan maps external tables from Snowflake to its Table asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS (count) columnCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.ROW_COUNT rowCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.BYTES sizeBytes asset filter and overview sidebar
EXTERNAL_TABLES.LOCATION externalLocation overview sidebar
STAGES.STAGE_REGION externalLocationRegion API only
EXTERNAL_TABLES.FILE_FORMAT_TYPE externalLocationFormat overview sidebar
TABLES.TABLE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar


Atlan maps columns from Snowflake to its Column asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE dataType asset filter, preview, and profile, overview sidebar
PRIMARY KEY isPrimary asset preview and filter, overview sidebar
COLUMNS.IS_NULLABLE isNullable overview sidebar
COLUMNS.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH maxLength properties sidebar
COLUMNS.NUMERIC_PRECISION precision properties sidebar


Atlan maps streams from Snowflake to its Stream asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
STREAMS.NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
STREAMS.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
STREAMS.OWNER sourceOwners asset preview and profile, properties sidebar
STREAMS.DATABASE_NAME databaseName asset preview and profile
STREAMS.SCHEMA_NAME schemaName asset preview and profile
STREAMS.SOURCE_TYPE snowflakeStreamSourceType asset filter and overview sidebar
STREAMS.STALE snowflakeStreamIsStale asset filter and overview sidebar
STREAMS.MODE snowflakeStreamMode overview sidebar
STREAMS.STALE_AFTER snowflakeStreamStaleAfter overview sidebar


Atlan maps pipes from Snowflake to its Pipe asset type.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
PIPES.PIPE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
PIPES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
PIPES.DEFINITION definition asset profile and overview sidebar
PIPES.PIPE_OWNER sourceOwners asset preview and profile, properties sidebar
PIPES.PIPE_CATALOG databaseName asset preview and profile
PIPES.PIPE_SCHEMA schemaName asset preview and profile
PIPES.IS_AUTOINGEST_ENABLED snowflakePipeIsAutoIngestEnabled overview sidebar
PIPES.NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_NAME snowflakePipeNotificationChannelName overview sidebar

User-defined functions

Atlan maps user-defined functions (UDFs) from Snowflake to its Function asset type. Atlan currently does not support lineage for user-defined functions from Snowflake.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
FUNCTION_DEFINITION functionDefinition overview sidebar
COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
FUNCTION_CATALOG databaseName asset preview and profile
FUNCTION_SCHEMA schemaName asset preview and profile
FUNCTION_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
FUNCTION_LANGUAGE functionLanguage overview sidebar
DATA_TYPE functionReturnType API only
IS_SECURE functionIsSecure asset filter and properties sidebar
IS_EXTERNAL functionIsExternal asset filter and properties sidebar
IS_MEMOIZABLE functionIsMemoizable API only
ARGUMENT_SIGNATURE functionArguments API only

Dynamic tables

Atlan maps dynamic tables from Snowflake to its DynamicTable asset type. Atlan currently does not support lineage for dynamic tables from Snowflake.

Source property Atlan property Where in Atlan
TABLES.TABLE_NAME name asset profile and overview sidebar
TABLES.COMMENT description asset profile and overview sidebar
COLUMNS (count) columnCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.ROW_COUNT rowCount asset preview and profile, overview sidebar
TABLES.BYTES sizeBytes asset filter and overview sidebar
TABLES.TABLE_OWNER sourceCreatedBy asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.CREATED sourceCreatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar
TABLES.LAST_ALTERED sourceUpdatedAt asset profile and properties sidebar

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