Customer support

One of our core values is to help you and your team do your life's best work. đź’™

That's why we want to make it as easy as possible for you to keep driving your work forward with data.

Atlan's customer support is a combination of several teams in Atlan:

  • Product support personnel
  • Cloud support personnel
  • DevOps/engineering support personnel
  • Vast repository of self-service resources

Service-level commitment

Atlan's Technical Support team provides support globally with high response commitment levels. This includes 24/7 SRE support for critical (P0) issues. Customers get a service-level commitment, including the following:

  • 99.5% uptime for Atlan
  • Dedicated support center, accessible from within the Atlan product
  • Commitments for aggressive response times for business critical issues
  • Designated Customer Success Manager to assist with escalations

Ways to contact us

  • ✉️ Email us at a dedicated customer support email account (
  • 👨‍💻 In-product support widget to log tickets and a help desk portal ( to log and track tickets. You can sign up to track support tickets on the help desk portal. You must use your organizational email address as the username and create a password.

To track your support tickets:

  1. Navigate to and log into the help desk portal with your credentials or via SSO.
  2. From the top right, click your avatar, and then from the dropdown, click My activities.
  3. On the My activities page, you can do the following:
    • My requests and Requests I'm CC'd on — view and edit the support tickets you either created or were copied on, respectively.
    • Organization requests — to access all other support tickets for your organization, please reach out to your customer success manager. Atlan will provide you with read access to all the support tickets for your organization. To be able to comment on or close them, you must be CC’d on all tickets.

Hours of operation

24x7 availability for all requests and issues

Severity levels

The Atlan Technical Support team determines the severity of an issue. We consider the customer's position and follow these guidelines to determine priority. Below are the response time SLAs:

Severity Description Basic support Advanced support
S0 Production software is unavailable; all customers are blocked and productivity halted 2 hours 1 hour
S1 Production software is available; functionality or performance is severely impaired 4 hours 2 hours
S2 Production software is available and usable with partial, noncritical loss of functionality. Or, production software has an occasional issue that customer would like to be identified and resolved. Also includes requests for help with administrative tasks 16 hours 4 hours
S3 Cosmetic issues or request for general information about the software, documentation, processes, or procedures 24 hours 14 hours

Escalation procedure

If the business impact of a support request changes or a ticket is not being handled according to your expectations, you may escalate the ticket.

Please first speak with the Technical Support representative assigned to the ticket to ensure that the business impact and urgency is understood.

You may further escalate by contacting:

  1. 1st level of escalation: Technical Support Engineer
  2. 2nd level of escalation: Director, Support
  3. 3rd level of escalation: Head of Customer Experience

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