How to create a persona

šŸ¤“ Who can do this? You will need to be an admin user to create personas.

Create persona

To create a persona:

  1. From the left menu of any screen, clickĀ Governance.
  2. UnderĀ Access Control, clickĀ Personas.
  3. If this is the first persona, click the Get started button. Otherwise click the New persona button.
  4. Enter a meaningful name for the persona, (optional) a description, and then click Create.

You now have an empty persona. It won't do much until you complete the next steps, too!

Add users and groups

To add users and groups to the persona, from within the persona:

  1. To the right of theĀ Users and groups box, click theĀ Add button.
  2. Select users and / or groups:
    1. Under the single-user icon, select users to add to the persona.
    2. Under the double-user icon, select groups to add to the persona.
  3. Click theĀ Update button to save the users and groups to the persona.

Now this persona will be available to those users and groups. It still won't do much, though, without some policies...

(Optional) Add rich documentation

To add rich documentation describing the persona:

  • UnderĀ Summary, thenĀ Channels, add any Slack channels relevant to the persona.
  • UnderĀ Resources,Ā add links to external resources like PDFs, repositories, Notion, Confluence, Google Drive ā€” anything that has a URL.
  • Under Readme, write a richly-formatted description of the persona.

Add policies

For the persona to really do anything, you need to define one or more policies. Repeat the following steps for each set of assets and permissions you want to control through the persona.

šŸ’Ŗ Did you know? The higher level at which you can define the assets, the better. For example, if you create a policy at a database level, all future schemas and tables (in that database) will also be covered by the policy.

To add policies to the persona, from within the persona:

  1. Change to theĀ Policies tab.
  2. Click theĀ New Policy button and choose the type of policy.

Add a metadata policy

To grant or restrict permissions to change metadata:

  1. ChooseĀ Metadata Policy.
  2. Under Name, briefly describe the policy's intention.
  3. UnderĀ Select a connection, choose the connection on which to apply the policy.
  4. (Optional) For Asset selector, choose the assets the policy should control. By default, all assets in the connection are included. To select others:
    1. In the All assets box, click theĀ x.
    2. Under Asset selector, click theĀ Add link.
    3. To search for and select the assets to control with the policy, in the Add Assets dialog:Ā 
      • Click Browse to search and select assets from all databases in the connection.
      • Click Search to search from and select individual assets in the connection.
      • Click Custom to search and select assets by their qualified name.
    4. Click Save to confirm your selections.
  5. (Optional) For Configure permissions choose the permissions the policy will grant. By default, all permissions will be granted. To select others:
    1. To the right ofĀ Configure permissions click theĀ Edit link.
    2. Select the permissions required. If you are unsure what they do, hover over the checkbox to see a more detailed description of each one.
    3. At the bottom of the list, click Save.
  6. (Optional) ForĀ Deny selected permissions choose whether you want to explicitly deny these permissions.
    šŸšØ Careful! If enabled, this will override all grants of those permissions from any other policies for the same users.
  7. At the bottom of theĀ Metadata Policy sidebar, clickĀ Save.
šŸ’Ŗ Did you know? When using the custom asset selector for metadata and data policies, you can add /* after the database name to select all the schemas in that database.

Add a data policy

To grant or restrict permissions to query or preview data:

  1. ChooseĀ Data Policy.
  2. Under Name, briefly describe the policy's intention.
  3. UnderĀ Select a connection, choose the connection on which to apply the policy.
  4. (Optional) For Asset selector, choose the assets the policy should control. By default, all assets in the connection are included. To select others:
    1. In theĀ All assets box, click theĀ x.
    2. UnderĀ Asset selector, click theĀ Add link.
    3. To search for and select the assets to control with the policy, in the Add Assets dialog:Ā 
      • Click Browse to search and select assets from all databases in the connection.
      • Click Search to search from and select individual assets in the connection.
      • Click Custom to search and select assets by their qualified name.
    4. Click Save to confirm your selections.
  5. (Optional) ForĀ Deny Query choose whether you want to explicitly deny the ability to query and preview data on these assets.
    šŸšØ Careful! If enabled, this will override all grants of those permissions from any other policies for the same users.
  6. At the bottom of theĀ Data Policy sidebar, clickĀ Save.

Add a glossary policy

To grant or restrict permissions to change glossary contents:

  1. ChooseĀ Glossary Policy.
  2. Under Name, briefly describe the policy's intention.
  3. UnderĀ Select glossary, choose the glossary or glossaries on which to apply the policy.
  4. (Optional) For Configure permissions choose the permissions the policy will grant. By default, all permissions will be granted. To select others:
    1. To the right ofĀ Configure permissions click theĀ Edit link.
    2. Select the permissions required. If you are unsure what they do, hover over the checkbox to see a more detailed description of each one.
    3. At the bottom of the list, clickĀ Save.
  5. At the bottom of theĀ Glossary Policy sidebar, clickĀ Save.

(Optional) Set preferences

šŸ’Ŗ Did you know? You can also personalize the details users will see in the sidebar or filters menu when in a persona. This is great to limit information overload, by showing only what is relevant to a given set of users.

To set preferences for the persona:

  1. Change to the Preferences tab of the persona. From the left menu, configure the following:
  2. To set the default landing page for the persona:
    1. Click Navigation to view landing page preferences.
    2. For Set default landing page, click the dropdown and then select the page where your users should land when they log into Atlan. (See also What will be the default landing page for users with two or more personas?)
      • Keep Home as the default selection for homepage.
      • Click Assets to direct your users to asset search and discovery.
      • Click Glossary to direct your users to glossaries.
      • Click Insights to direct your users to the query editor.
      • Click Products to direct your users to the homepage for data products.
      • Click Custom to set a custom path of your choice. For Atlan page link, specify a path to the page in Atlan you want your users to land on and ensure that it is accessible to users in the persona. Click Save to save your preference.
    3. You must turn off View "All assets" in Assets Discovery from Labs in the admin center to ensure that users only land on your preselected page. Complete the steps in How to restrict asset visibility to do so.
  3. To limit the asset types that should be visible to the persona:
    1. Click Asset types to view asset type preferences.
    2. Click the checkbox to the left of each tab's name to include it (on) or exclude it (off) for the persona.
  4. To limit the out-of-the-box tabs that should be visible to the persona:
    1. Click Asset sidebar to view asset sidebar preferences.
    2. Click the checkbox to the left of each tab's name to include it (on) or exclude it (off) for the persona.
  5. To limit the asset filters that should be visible to the persona:
    1. ClickĀ Asset filters to view asset filter preferences.
    2. Click the checkbox to the left of each tab's name to include it (on) or exclude it (off) for the persona.
  6. To set the default asset nameĀ that should be visible to the persona:
    1. Click Asset name to set display preferences for asset name.
    2. Click the Prefer alias over technical name checkbox to display the alias, if added, over the technical name for the persona. Uncheck the box to display the technical name instead.
  7. To limit the custom metadata that should be visible to the persona:
    1. Click Custom metadata to view custom metadata preferences.
    2. Click the checkbox to the left of each custom metadata structure to include it (on) or exclude it (off) for the persona.
  8. To personalize your data products, click Products and then click the Add cover image button to set a cover image for data products within your selected domain.

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