Atlan can help you understand the events that occur in your tenants, including user and administrative actions. Learn more about logging and retention as follows:

Tenant logs

Note the following:

  • Load balancer logs for Azure and GCP tenants are currently not enabled.
  • AuditSearch and SearchLog records are persisted forever in Elasticsearch. The 30-day retention period pertains to application logs written to logging Elasticsearch.
  • An example of block storage mentioned below is Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) for AWS.

Production tenants

Log types Retention Storage AWS Azure GCP
Active tenant overall backup 15 days Object storage
Offboarded tenant overall backup AWS — 30 days, Azure and GCP — 15 days Object storage
Load balancer logs 30 days Object storage
Audit — user events 60 days PostgreSQL
Audit — admin events Unlimited PostgreSQL
Application logs 30 days Elasticsearch and object storage
Workflow logs 90 days ClickHouse
Workflow artifacts 180 days Object storage
Application metrics 60 days VictoriaMetrics (block storage)

Proof of value (POV) tenants

Log types Retention Storage AWS Azure GCP
Active tenant overall backup 15 days Object storage
Offboarded tenant overall backup AWS — 3 days, Azure and GCP — 15 days Object storage
Load balancer logs 30 days Object storage
Audit — user events 60 days PostgreSQL
Audit — admin events Unlimited PostgreSQL
Application logs 30 days Elasticsearch and object storage
Workflow artifacts 180 days Object storage
Application metrics 60 days VictoriaMetrics (block storage)

Atlan logs

Service Type Logging pipeline Destination
Heracles application Fluent Bit S3
Argo application, server Argo, Fluent Bit S3
Atlas application, audit, perf Fluent Bit S3
Numaflow application Fluent Bit S3
Kube events application Fluent Bit S3
Wisdom application, audit Fluent Bit S3
Chronos application Fluent Bit S3
Redis application Fluent Bit S3
Kong application, audit Fluent Bit, PostgreSQL, Keycloak REST API S3
Keycloak application Fluent Bit S3
Elasticsearch application Fluent Bit S3
Cassandra application Fluent Bit S3
Heka application Fluent Bit S3
Pgpool application, server Fluent Bit S3
Kafka events Fluent Bit S3

Cloud storage lifecycle

The cloud storage created for each tenant has its own lifecycle. The lifecycle policy is attached to paths in the cloud storage. The lifecycle policy applied to a production tenant is as follows:

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Lifecycle policy Path Action
DeleteClusterLogsAfter30Days logs/ Expires
DeleteArgoArtifactsAfter180Days argo-artifacts/ Transitions to S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, then expires
DeleteArgoBackupAfter15Days backup/argo/ Expires
DeleteAltanScheduleQuery argo-artifacts/default/schedule-query/ Expires
DeletePostgresBackupAfter15Days backup/postgres/ Expires
DeleteRedisBackupAfter15Days backup/redis/ Expires
DeleteCassandraBackupAfter15Days backup/cassandra/ Expires
DeletePrometheusBackupAfter15Days backup/prometheus/ Expires
DeleteALBLogsAfter30Days AWSLogs/ Expires

Microsoft Azure

Lifecycle policy Path Action
DeleteClusterLogsAfter30Days logs/ Delete
DeleteArgoArtifactsAfter180Days argo-artifacts/ Moves to archive after 90 days and delete after 180 days
DeleteArgoBackupAfter15Days backup/argo/ Delete
DeletePostgresBackupAfter15Days backup/postgres/ Delete
DeleteRedisBackupAfter15Days backup/redis/ Delete
DeleteCassandraBackupAfter15Days backup/cassandra/ Delete
DeleteAltanScheduleQuery argo-artifacts/default/schedule-query/ Delete if blobs not modified in 1 day
DeleteSparkEventLogsAfter15Days spark-event-logs/ Delete

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Lifecycle policy Path Action

15+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'logs/'

logs/ Delete
180+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'argo-artifacts/' argo-artifacts/ Archive
270+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'argo-artifacts/' argo-artifacts/ Delete
3+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'backup/argo/' backup/argo/ Delete
3+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'backup/postgres/' backup/postgres/ Delete
3+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'backup/prometheus/' backup/prometheus/ Delete
3+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'backup/redis/' backup/redis/ Delete
1+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'argo-artifacts/default/schedule-query/' argo-artifacts/default/schedule-query/ Delete
15+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'spark-event-logs/' spark-event-logs/ Delete
3+ days since object was created Name matches prefix 'backup/cassandra/' backup/cassandra/ Delete

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